This month, we experience a "leap year" since it is a lunar catch-up day. This means we have an additional 24 hours. What a gift!
What will we do with this bonus day? What does extra time mean to you?
We are privileged to leap into God's
presence with praise! We still have a robust life.
Psalm 119:164 reminds us to praise God seven (7) times a day for His righteous laws.
Every day, we witness His many mercies and God-given abilities to us. I assisted multiple people in my life who were infirm. What resonates in my mind and heart is how precious our daily activities and movements are. Everyone comments that health is essential when it hits a downward spiral. I encourage us all to reflect on the benefits we have. Cherish your physical, mental, and emotional health.
As we age, time is more precious than earlier in life. Make a difference for someone. Pick an issue.
Inspire and/or uplift a:
Homeless or foster child - help with homework, attend a sports game, buy a hot dog
Parent - offer to clean their space, get groceries, accompany them to a doctor's appointment
Senior citizen - visit them at home, nursing home, or assisted living facility, run an errand
Single parent - share something you have that they may need, food, clothing, or money
Today is a good day to settle a long-standing argument. Apologize. You may say, "It wasn't my fault". If anyone has worked in retail or with an extensive client base, we apologize for things we
did not cause. Consider it.
Today is a good day to do self-care for ladies and men. Relax. Read another chapter of your book that is lying on the coffee table. Rest. Run or walk. Visit the gym and extend your New Year's resolution.
Lastly, enjoy 2024! Reconnect with friends that you have not seen since the pandemic. Check out the hangout spot. Assure that it is still there. We learned a valuable lesson while things were shut down.
We need each other. No one is an island. Life is precious.
Calls to Action:
Pick an activity. Complete it by Monday, March 4th, 2024.
Purchase either book, "Live Abundantly," which highlights how one can work successfully, or "Fully Persuaded Faith," which outlines how God answered many prayers, at https://www.marilynnjames/.com.